Who Really Prospers in the Financial Prosperity Teaching?
Let me first say that I believe in and teach prosperity. I believe that prosperity follows when we apply God's word to our lives and use widsom in those areas.
The major key to financial freedom is this: Spend less than you make!
I believe in tithing and giving liberally. I also believe in using wisdom with the 90% I have to work with. It's not God's fault if I tithe and spend foolishly. Tithing is NOT an "insurance" policy on my finances. I tithe because it is the RIGHT thing to do. God is not obligated to bless me if I give foolishly or selfishly.
However, in all my years in the ministry, seeing and hearing the prosperity doctrine in its many iterations, it has been my observation that the ones who primarily prosper from the "financial" prosperity message are NOT the ones who HEAR it, but the ones who PREACH it. They are the ones who RECEIVE the offerings...the widows mites, if you will.
I am not opposed to giving to those who are in ministry. But I have a really hard time with the ilke who say that the way to prosperity is to give to THEM. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who gets rich here!!
Anyway, that is my take. What think ye?
"Those who go after the "Sauls" among us often slay the Davids among us." Gene Edwards
Executive Servant http://www.newlife-church.org