Originally Posted by deacon blues
crakjak please explain:
Luke 16:24 "Then he cried and said, 'Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.'
Luk 16:25 "But Abraham said, 'Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things; but now he is comforted and you are tormented.
The fact there is a hell PROVES God loves us. Its the evidence that He gives us freewill.
DB you have raised two points that are major discussions in themselves. I will address them both briefly.
The verses in Luke that you present are one of many parables that Jesus spoke. In
Matthew 13.34-35, says that He only spoke to them in parables. This is readily clear by reviewing the story: Did Lazarus literally crawl under the rich man's table and eat his crumbs? No. When Lazarus died was he literally transported to Abraham's bosom? No, it is figurative of something else. Then Lazarus is able to carry on a conversation with the rich man (supposedly from heaven to hell) and they seem to be able to see one another, even though Abraham and Lazarus were "afar off."
I will not belabor the fact that the details confirm that this story is a parable to convey something different than the obvious.
The true meaning of the parable conveys the condition of the Gentiles in relation to the Jews. Lazarus was a very common name transliteration of the Hebrew "Eleazar" (which means "God has helped") used for eleven different persons in the OT. The rich man represents the Jews, the promise of Abraham was given to Judah, and Judah and the rich man both had "five brothers" and these brothers (the Jews) had "Moses and the prophets". And they would not believe even if one were raised from the dead. Jesus was raised for the dead and they did not believe. Therefore, they were cast out and the Gentiles were receiving the "promises of Abraham". There are many more comparisons in this story but this is getting too length, with your knowledge of scripture you will be able to see the point.
Your last statement I have absolutely no comprehension of, why must God torture unbelievers to prove His love? Much better to annihilate, is God revengeful returning retribution exceeding the crime by billions? Where in scripture do we find this all powerful "freewill" that exceeds the power of a all powerful, all loving Heavenly Father? You have freewill only within the context of how and where God made and placed you, you will receive a
"just recompense of reward" for your works. The traditional view of Hell is NOT a "just reward", it has been created in the evil mind of fallen man and imposed on us by the apostate church and pagan traditions.