Originally Posted by Esaias
Here's what GOP sellout, traitor, fake 'tea party' (must be decaf) Ted Cruz and his cronies in the GOP accomplished -
The TRUTH of the matter is, all this political gamesmanship between 'their team and our team' is a bunch of baloney. It appears to me Hillary Clinton has been selected to be the next President, the GOP was designed to fail ever since Shrub's last days of glory, it's all part of a Big Plan, and YOU and I ain't in on it.
Amy Fried, the author of your article - She's been an advocate for church-state separation and other civil liberties issues. She writes on the neoconservative mind, women's issues, media, veganism and the Religious Right. Not biased much is she? I wouldn't be surprised to find out she is also an atheist. lol