Give No Resistance To Evil
In the ways and beliefs of Jesus Christ, Leo Tolstoy,Mahatma Gandhi and all other pacifists. Give no resistance to evil.
There are some who walk our world trying to elicit pity and compassion for others in an open provocation to breed hatred and war. They delight in stirring emotions that best cause an outpouring of love and compassion for those they seek to destroy or are destroying. The evil's greatest weapon is to try to use our love against us. The more we react and give them the reaction they desire--the more they will do these things against others.
The minute we react, we cost many others their lives in trying to defend the lives of the ones they have come against------"Fighting for peace is like having sex for chastity." Stephen King.
The hardest thing for us is to stand down while atrocities are being committed, but when we react even more atrocities are committed--by us. Evil delights in such as this.
I've been reading a lot lately and have to agree with the people listed at the top. Stand down and do not lift a hand to defend against evil, if we raise a hand against, we have then become a weapon in the hands of evil. It becomes a non-ending vicious cycle of evil and pain.
Does this mean that I can stand by and watch others be slaughtered, myself or my family? My heart is torn, because my first reaction has ALWAYS been to fight back. Why would such and evil exist to begin with? What we are each given on this planet is ourselves within our own space and no one has the right to invade it. We find it nearly impossible to stand back and watch evil done to others or have it done to us and yet evil plays upon this.
These are the things that I'm having an internal fight with. I know that when a child is doing wrong, if they're ignored then they stop what they're doing because no reaction was forthcoming. I've done this many times and it never fails. But, when it's on such a large scale and lives are at stake it becomes one of the most unbearable things to witness. I am becoming a pacifist, it's where my heart is and in these things some become martyrs--as Jesus, the apostles, Gandhi and many others have. To me only a true pacifist is a martyr although others have been labeled as such.
Do you lean to the right hand of God or to the left? Do you walk boldly towards the truth or run from it? The more wisdom gained--the more pain and despair felt. HOW do we end this vicious cycle?