Originally Posted by seekerman
That doesn't address the issue of the newborn, the child, or the aborted for that matter. When does a person become 'unsaved' in order for the to need to be saved? And I'm using the term 'saved' here in the sense of missing hell, being with God, not dying eternally....that kind of thing.
If an infant, or a child, is saved, how is that infant or child saved? They have no concept of Christ being the Son of God.
Sorry, I could not read all that below your post, so not sure if you received any answer. I think your post highlights a non-issue, wadr, and shows thinking from man's perspective, rather than God's.
God is Love, first and foremost; and any human answer that does not take this into account is just acting out the consequences of the doctrines of man; original sin, etc.
As proof, I offer that 'it is what is in a man's heart that God will judge;' and the 'heart' meant here has not been developed by your examples. Other Scriptures support this, also.
Imo, any other arguments amount to 'how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.'