How Tenuous is Your Salvation
So, I had to laugh when Elder Epley posted (I'm twisting his words slightly) "go to hell" in another thread.
But, it got me thinking: while I many of us oppose "once saved always saved" what point are you not "saved" anymore? I think this is something that people who "grow up in church" commonly struggle to understand. Receiving the Holy Ghost, and even being baptized under the age of 10 makes it difficult for one to comprehend having once been "lost in sin" and since redeemed. (For those who weren't raised in church, here's some context...imagine "getting saved" before having experienced puberty.)
It took me at least a decade into adulthood to come to grips with the assurity that my salvation is not predicated on my ability to behave well enough. I no longer need to live with my eyes on "what can I avoid doing wrong" or "I'd rather do X so that I'm demonstrating how 'sold out' I am". Instead , I recognize the power of the Spirit that's within me and follow his leading. When my flesh fights a battle and occasionally wins, I recognize the blood of Jesus Christ was shed to cover my sins...the ones I committed at 6 years old, the ones I committed at 18 years old, and the ones I'll commit tomorrow. How true Christ's word when he told us his yolk is easy.
But, it does make me think...sure, I'm going to mess up again in the future. And I no longer live in doubt that my next mistake will "revoke" my salvation...but when does one end up "falling away"? What does that look like? What does it take?