More than 2,500 years ago a prophet of God named Zechariah was given visions which portrayed the spiritual condition of the society of mankind inhabiting the earth in the last days. These visions were described through various symbols, as noted in Zechariah Chapter Six wherein various colored horses (which represented spirits emanating from the throne of God in the invisible heavens) being dispatched into various regions of the earth. To properly comprehend the spiritual condition of the peoples residing in the northern hemisphere of the earth, I think one must consider that which we're told about those horses (spirits) that would be sent into this region:
"Behold, these that go toward the north country have quieted my spirit in the north country." (
Zechariah 6:8, KJV)
Ever wonder why missionaries who deliver the gospel in the southern regions of the world report such greater success in their efforts to the inhabitants there to be saved than do those who preach the gospel in the northern hemisphere? Could it be because those who live in the "south country," a region of the world we commonly refer to as the "third world" nations, are more receptive to the gospel message than we who reside in the more prosperous "north country"? Just saying.....
A "One God Apostolic Pentecostal" preacher delivering the good news of the gospel in any of the 3rd World nations, generally report converts numbering in the hundreds or even thousands. Yet, when that same preacher delivers that same message to the peoples living in the "north country" are often hard pressed to realize only a "handful." Why the difference? Could it be because the peoples of the "north country" (where the Spirit has been quieted by a more abundant prosperity) think of themselves as being self-sufficient, and who are more highly educated, believe that they do not need God? Just saying.....