Originally Posted by seekerman
I agree, it's not limited to oneness pentecostal churches. Growing up, I couldn't attend an AG (or any trinitarian) church so I don't have the experience from the 50s like I do with the oneness pentecostals, but listening to my AG friends today talk, it seems the AG was much different in the past also.
Its true. When we first moved here a friend of my wife told her about this AG that she walked into a few years ago on a Sunday night and this lady said that everybody was swinging from the chandeliers and out of control, well she was Baptized in the Holy Ghost years ago and she still turned around a left. I don't understand that.
We were looking for a church and we went to a service and after we left I told my wife they need to erase the word Pentecostal from the name.
We go to an AG church that is just that very Pentecostal. I am blessed because all the AG churches we have been part of are very Spirit filled and very Pentecostal, but they are not all like that and it makes me sad.