Originally Posted by Baron1710
No comments about Democrats, because your not one. No comments about Catholics because your not one. No critique of any group you are not a member of.
actually Baron, there is lots of stuff going on in the UPCI right now that is fare game.
You realize the UPCI has on the table for this GC striking TV from the manual right?
see right there is something we can line up on and take shots over. we might even find common ground.
Hey, since we are on the subject of things i dont talk about... there is a group down in Houston led by the Jones brothers. They are building something and at its core are some things I am not partial to.
You have NEVER ONCE heard me say one thing about them. OR what they are doing. I could take shots. I could say all manner of things. I could dig around in the graveyard and make some folk blush and posts would fly.... I could even get the AFF mgmt all aflutter deciding what to delete etc.
but I dont. Im not interested in that kind of nonsense. it benifits no one. It doesn't make me better. It doesnt advance the kingdom. It doesnt make the things I believe more (or less) valid.
Build something Brother! Building is awesome. and stay away from those infected with the bug to destroy.