I miss my best friend Mrs Cindy~ IMO this forum has really not been the same since her passing. But I do think if she were here she would be very displeased over all the mess that people will post or comment on sometimes . Case n point, the thread about "interracial marriages on the rise".......seriously....??? Mrs C and I were speaking of this in one of our past conversations and like we both agreed....what difference does who you marry (speaking of between a man and woman) God does not see color and it is asinine to think some people still are stuck in a twisted mind-set of thinking "marrying outside of ones race is wrong" when technically we are all one race of the human race~ I was appalled at reading what this other poster had said about this and about "half breed children" ??? very sad! But thanks to my friend Prax, he shut it down. BT, you are right, what has happened to everyone? And as Mrs Margie you are right as well,..."maybe we need something fun to talk about"......yep...instead of things that ignite a fire...and too many seem to have a pocket full of matches and a can of petrol, just waiting to "Light it up" !!