What are they teaching your precious children?
What are they teaching your precious children?
I put an article on here about the One World Religion, do you know that our children are being trained for a One World Government as well as a One World Religion, with it's roots in the occult.
As many of you probably know, Gorbachev is one of the Leaders in this change. And was given a nice home at the Presido a closed Military base to use as his base. This article is about some of the people working with him, to undermine our Christine principles and our way of living.
This is a long article, but well wrote reading, especially if you have children in school. Our children are not being taught the same reading, writing, history, that we were taught.
My 15 year old grandson was visting me this summer for a few days. I was shocked that he could not write his name in cursive writing. He is a very intelligent boy. If he was around me long I would set him down to practice. He said it was never taught in his school.
Star Wars joins United Religions at the Presidio
by Berit Kjos [1999]
San Francisco’s spectacular army base was built to defend America. It has become an open door to forces that would destroy our freedom, sovereignty, and values.
Skip down to Gorbachev, Theosophy, Tides Foundation, Hans Kung, Djwhal Khul or Shirley McCune
The "Force" is with George Lucas. Literally. Trouncing his competitors, the master of movie magic won the coveted right to build his Star Wars empire on 23 acres of the Presidio, the former army base overlooking San Franciso's Golden Gate bridge. Lucasfilm and Lucas Learning Ltd. will share this prize piece of San Francisco real estate with the Gorbachev Foundation, the Thoreau Center for Sustainability, FEMA, the United Religions Initiative (URI), the United Nations Resource Center, radical left Tides Foundation (the largest of all -- featuring a Hindu/Buddhist-type altar and funding a community organizers that believe in revolutionary change), and a host of other environmental, spiritual, educational, and governmental organizations.1 Together they share a common crusade: to build a unified, socialist, earth-friendly global civilization based on "new" universal beliefs and values.
While Christianity clashes with this global/left unity, the "Force" fits well. Some might even compare the Presidio’s elite guardians of the planet with the heroic Jedi of the Star Wars galaxy. In Lucasfilm’s popular children’s book, I Am a Jedi, Qui-Gon Jinn (Liam Neeson) tells us in his own words, "The Jedi are a very special group of beings. For many thousands of years, we have worked to promote peace and justice in the universe."2
Noble words! The last part could be spoken by any UN or UR visionary. The Star Wars ideal could well be the Presidio vision on a cosmic scale.
The spiritual part fits as well. "We draw our strength from a mysterious power called the Force," continues the Jedi Knight. This Force is a "form of energy that connects all living things. We Jedi learn to be sensitive to the Force. It is a source of great strength."
George Lucas will surely add strength to the entire Presidio project. His universal power source provides a perfect model for the new global spirituality needed as a foundation for the planetary oneness. His Digital Arts Center with its out-of-this-world technology can make mind-changing fantasies seem more real than reality. His proposal for commercial development of the land will help make the Presidio self-sufficient.3 And his Lucas Learning Ltd. will communicate his politically correct message through schools, video games, and computers everywhere.
THE PRESIDIO VISION. The Presidio Alliance plans to turn the old army base into "a global center for sustainability." It's goals include "forums for dialogue" and "education programs and workshops on sustainability." If you wonder what that last word means, it's not simply "to meet the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs." To insiders, it means the 3 E's: Environment, Economy, and Equity: using the environmental crisis as the excuse needed to persuade the masses to conform to the new global values and the redistribution of resources (new economy) in order to establish social equality. (See Local Agenda 21).
The Thoreau Center, an Alliance member, calls for a "global center dedicated to addressing the world's most critical environmental, social, and cultural challenges."4 Located near the Lucasfilm site, its well chosen tenants include the United Religions, the Rudolf Steiner (founder of Waldorf Schools5) Foundation, The International Bill of Rights Project, and the United Nations Resource Center.
A publicity brochure from the UN Resource Center describes the 1994 transfer of the Presidio from the US Army to the National Park Service. Matching the global vision, this change linked its "military past with a future of promise and protection – one that recognizes that defense no longer must be based solely on political and military strength, but on stewardship of the world’s human and physical resources through global cooperation."
Actually, the Presidio had been linked to the UN since 1988, when it became part of UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Program. Almost a decade later, Brian O’Neill, director of the Association for the Central California Biosphere Reserve, shared his vision for the former army base:
"I think the Thoreau Center for Sustainability represents the kind of tenancy that the Park Service will seek. Another example is the Gorbachev Foundation, which brings elder statesmen from around the world every year to debate and raise new ideas outside the government structure that could help solve some global issues."6
Mikhail Gorbachev
A GLOBAL SPIRITUALITY. Mikhail Gorbachev, who received the keys to his bay-side headquarters from a three-star general in 1993, tells his disciples that an all-inclusive spirituality must lay the foundation for the new global ethic. It doesn’t matter which religion is used to model this universal spirituality as long as it is broad enough to embrace all the world’s religious traditions and flexible enough to be adapted to the global agenda.
"We should… help in the development of a global consciousness… to change the world for the better,"7 announced the former head of the Soviet Union at his 1996 State of the World Forum. With help from the mainstream media which announced the demise of Communist threats years ago, Gorbachev has successfully redefined Communism and disarmed the West.
His new emphasis on spirituality helps. Since the founding of the Gorbachev Foundation USA, he has used idealized forms of Baha’i, Buddhist, Native American, Cabalistic, and Hindu models for this envisioned world religion. Yet, most of his spiritual "wise men" and women have taught a Western adaptation of Buddhism – not unlike the New Age spirituality publicized two decades ago from the boggy planet Dagobah. That’s where Yoda centered his mind, raised his arms, and mystically lifted Luke Skywater’s space ship out of the swamp.
This contemporary lessons in Star Wars mysticism shows how to manipulate the Force. In the children’s book, Jedi Apprentice: The Dark Rival, published by Scholastic which distributes the Star Wars series to schools across the country, Qui-Gon allows the Force to "direct him, take him over." The story tells of his battle against Xanatos, his former apprentice who had been drawn to the dark side by greed and anger. To help win the battle, his new apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi tries to "use the white light of the Force. His mind had been too clouded by anger. . . He drew on the living Force to guide him." Later, "they concentrated, drawing the Force to bear on the door."8
At the moment, the stress of Obi-Wan’s anger blocked the Force. But when a Jedi mind is cleared, the power works well. For "a Jedi can move objects with the Force," according to Qui-Gon.9
Their winning strategy sounds just like the timeless formula for magic taught by Starhawk, founder of the Covenant of the Goddess. In The Spiral Dance, the Wiccan leader explains that the purpose of magical training is -
"to open up the starlight consciousness . . . to make contact with the Divine within. The beginner must develop four basic abilities: relaxation, concentration, visualization, and projection. Relaxation is important because any form of tension blocks energy."10
Mental projection, the last of the four disciplines, is an extension of visualization. After seeing and concentrating on the image(s), the budding magician uses mental determination to connect with the energy source and "move" the visualized images according to his or her will.
Anakin, the young Darth Vader, shows how to use this formula. In a Lucas Book for children titled Anakin’s Fate, the boy was getting ready for a pod race. At the starting line, he "shut out all the sights and sounds around him. He stared at the red signal light. . . . . [He] reached out with his mind. He touched the circuits inside the light. He could feel the electrical forces flowing inside it. Then Anakin felt a surge of power."11
It seems so good. Few children want to resist the thrill of manipulating this power with their imagination. Few adults dare question the dream of peace and oneness in the world. That’s why the vision inspires idealists who seek peace as well as globalists who seek power.