The original, "Black Panther Party" was never about hating the white man, but about ending institutionalized racism, loving black people and the liberation of all people-- well so says the founders of the original Black Panther Party.
Bobby Seale, co-founder of the Black Panther Party is quoted as saying,
"Just to hate another person because [of] the color of their skin or their ethnicity—we don't do that. That's not what the goal objective is. The goal objective is human liberation. The goal objective is the greater community cooperation and humanism. The goal objective is to get rid of institutionalized racism...."
Now while that sounds good and may actually be their intents, my impression of the Black Panther Party, from the little that I had heard of them and seen of them on tv from a child up to now, is that they angry, militant, and hopelessly racially prejudiced.
I bring this up because the New Black Panther Party is apparently attempting to organize protests around the country as they, along with everyone else, anticipates that George Zimmerman will walk.
I want my AFF family to be ASSURED that I will not participate in any rally or protest that is sponsored by or connected to the New Black Panther Party-- or any other group whose objectives are based on the hate of any single race or nation.
About the New Black Panther Party