Originally Posted by Praxeas
My Pastor doesn't demand I show up nor does he call me selfish, but then again he isn't a judgmental pharisee either. So clearly I was not talking about my Pastor..
I do get what is happening though. I pointed out the truth that people feel alienated in those "service" and somehow hearing that truth has rocked some people's utopian boat. You don't want to know or hear about it because it might require being a Christian and having some sensitivity to your brothers and sisters in Christ who are hurting. But the best some can muster up is vitriol and attacks.
It really does reveal the state of "the church" in America when you can't consider ways to minister to your own brothers and sisters.
I get what you're saying Prax, and don't want to jump on the bandwagon.....but, if I were to carry your logic out a bit further, i.e., I'm not a father, so I won't go on Father's' Day, and I'm not a Mother, so I won't go on Mother's Day, and I'm not a young person, so I'll skip youth service.....what do you do when your pastor preaches to sinners?
And, I'm not trying to be flippant, but in a service geared towards unsaved people, do you go to support them?