I've done this before but here we go again
I use Logos Library
I chose it because not only can you do exegetical studies it includes a LOT of books besides commentaries but also books on leadership, prayer meetings, weddings etc etc. It's an all around resource for ministry. But there are several upgrades. The Leadership one includes the ministry books and stuff. I started with Original languages and downgraded to leadership to add some commentaries and other resources.
Then I single purchased some books to add on.
If you want straight exegetical stuff Try BibleWorks
Personally, if I had the money I'd get Bibleworks too. Their tablet app looks better than my Logos
Free stuff I use
Esword plus some premium content like Zodhaites wordstudy and the NET bible commentary (which is free for the older model now)
I do a lot of concordance quick searches in esword and then Logos for deeper stuff