Paul and the Roman Empire
Many christians continue the Lutheran tradition of two kingdoms. One of God and one of the world. But if we read Paul's letters in the context of Roman Imperial ideology, where Ceasar was King, Savior and Lord of the world; we see that Paul's proclamation of Jesus as King, Savior and Lord of all humanity was in direct opposition and confrontation to state ideology.
Jesus said, the world would hate us. Peace, Love and Justice for all is in opposition to state ideology of violence, wealth and the prosperity of the few at the expense of the majority. Are you part of the kingdom of the world with it's ideology of violence, wealth and prosperity for the few or are you part of the Kingdom of Jesus with its' message of Peace, Love and Justice for all?
looking forward to the works of Richard Horsley that include essays by N.T. Wright.
Last edited by Dedicated Mind; 06-01-2013 at 04:30 AM.