Originally Posted by Esaias
Few actually know the difference between righteous judgement and 'hate', too.
God's punishment of sinners is not 'hateful'. If a righteous man sins, his righteousness will be forgotten and he will die in his sins, if he fails to repent. God said so.
No hate involved. God didn't 'suddenly stop loving' the person. If you love your child, and your child murders your wife (his own mother) in cold blood, you would still 'love' your child, as you called the cops and even as you testified against him in court if need be.
using mans logic and messed up emotions to compare God and his justice and love can be rather troublesome.
What does God hate then? the actions? Are we not what our heart is? That would be like you coming around and hitting me in the face everyday with your fist and me saying. Well that Esaias is a great person... kind and loving but wow you better watch out for his fist and not trust it. People try to differentiate the two and the fact is you can't. We rely on past emotions and interaction to base how we feel about a person as a general rule toward them. When someone goes off the cliff and does really bad stuff. We think about past and tie in emotions in our judgment. Parents do it all the time. Even at the worst they won't do the right things. Sure as object in general God loves his creation but practically if you are in sin he hates/detests who and what you are.
Universalists try to push the "wouldn't you a a parent not do xyz" in bringing in emotion to th argument about how God should treat us in how we would treat our children. Again the problem is our judgment is wrong most of the time because we are not looking on the outside and just. We bring in emotion to out justice system and we fail.