Wasn't in the news over the weekend, but it's gaining full steam now. Better hurry and bury your head in the sand again DM, because it's about to get rough.
Capitol Hill aides spent their Memorial Day weekend scanning hundreds of pages of documents related to the IRS scandal in order to prepare their bosses for what will inevitably be a frantic month of June involving multiple simultaneous investigations into government wrongdoing. By the time lawmakers return to session next week, at least four different investigations will be underway.
Hey, remember that story that Obama, Carney, Lerner, Shulman and the other stooges were putting out: that it was just "a couple" "rogue" employees in the "Cincinnati" office responsible.
Yah, about that:
As The Daily Caller has reported, at least five different IRS offices including Cincinnati, Ohio; Baltimore, Maryland; Chicago, Illinois and El Monte and Laguna Niguel, California improperly targeted conservative nonprofit groups for extra scrutiny between 2010 and 2012.
Now there are 5 (F I V E) offices in various areas of the country which were involved. So much for the "rogue" employee steamy pile the administration was trying to put out there.
Again, when you have the head of the employee union which includes the IRS meeting Obama the day before the targeting started...it doesn't look good.