Originally Posted by Titus2woman
I do believe most of these things, yes, and do not find fault with anyone who follows this prescription.
However, I do not believe that what is said over one at baptism makes a whit of difference. I believe that remission of sins is a direct result of the desire of the one being baptized to start afresh in the Lord and their submission to Him in baptism.
I have seen many put under the water who could not have said a complete sentence about why they were being baptized... and are soon found back out in sin. I have also seen people baptized by a person who later is found to have been living a terribly sinfull life. In my experience this does nothing to invalidate the baptism or change in any way the experience of the person who was baptized.
So for these reasons I don't think anything the 'baptizer' says or does during the dunk makes any difference at all. The experience of baptism is strictly between the person being baptized and God and just about any method will do as long as they have faith that they are made new.
So do you find me Apostolic enough?
I find you to be both organic and sustainable!