Hi brother Blume
Good to see you been long time. I do understand what you are saying re the trinitarians as I was one. Yes they have told me they believe in one God not three and that Jesus is God but they differ on the Father and Holy Ghost . They call them persons three persons in fact and they dont seem to understand that the Holy Sprit is not a person nor that the Father is not a person I think sir they need the baptism of the Holy Spirit so that this can be revealed to them and that is what happened to me a revelation of Jesus name truth and now the whole bible I can see that God's name is Jesus and that there is one God only and not three. They seem to be mixed up in their use of terminology . Anyway I do find arguing with them does not help either but the Word of God is still the best way to go and lots of love for them Let them see a change in our lives and that what we have is real . Let them see Jesus in us That is one of the things that helped me I watched for a long time those in truth and I saw the love of Jesus in them and I wanted what they had so bad that I began to search the scriptures for myself as well and I feel that Jesus knew the sincere desire of my heart and He led me to those who could help me with this and I came into truth after spending many years as trinitarian. Praise the Lord!!
God bless brother Blume
sister Phyllis