Are there any Elders in the church?
....Please pray for me. I know you can't anoint me with oil, but I know God can heal and I really need your prayers. I have been having some physical problems for several weeks now and today I had to take off work at lunch. Please pray that God will heal me. I can't recall the last time I had a pain-free day.
I feel sorta guilty asking with all the ones who have more urgent and serious needs, but I do need a healing. I know there will be better days for me....but for now, the warfare is very intense on several fronts, other than just the physical problems. I have several unspoken requests and I would appreciate prayer for them, too.
I CAME BACK TO EDIT THIS..I am sorry that I did not put this in the section for Prayer. I meant to do that, but didn't....I am feeling so sick that I didn't notice.