Originally Posted by Esther
John 13:14 If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet.
:15 For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.
I don't see where any confusion can be in these scriptures. He plainly said you "ought" to wash each others feet.
"ought" 1. have a duty; be obliged: [you ought to obey your parents] 2. be right or suitable [it ought to be allowed] 3. be wise [I ought to go before it rains] 4. be expected: [ at your age you ought to know better] 5. be very likely: the fastest one ought to win the race
syn. 1. must, should
Thorndike Barnhart Dictionary
To me here He is saying you MUST I have given you an example of what I want you to do.
How is that confusing?
Correct, Jesus was speaking to
those disciples, 2000 years ago, who practiced a CUSTOM of footwashing.
In there day and custom, YES, they should follow his EXAMPLE and humbly wash a brothers feet.
Bu i contend we have missed the PRINCIPLE Christ was teaching if we think washing someone feet here in America 2000 years later is the LESSON he wanted to impart to us.