As I read your answers, which were all mixed in with you quoting me and hard to distinguish between yours and mine, I had this long elaborate answer of which nobody likes to read. So, to shorten it, let me assure you that I have read everything you posted. Just because I do not address every jot and tittle of your postings does not mean I haven't read it. I find you splitting hairs about the perceived "bitter" part.
I also find that you do not want me to make "blanket statements" about the ministry, yet the ministry can make blanket judgments about a large group of people's salvation? That is really painting with a broad brush.
It's also something you have no idea of whether or not they are saved or lost. That is Christ's place to judge their salvation, not any man, preacher or not.
And while you want me to consider your posts about defense mechanisms rising up, I hope you likewise consider your own postings on that subject. Otherwise, why would you lump yourself in with what you perceive as a blanket statement?
Let me put it this way. I have not had the pleasure of sitting under a fabulous pastor. My only experience with OP ministers is what I have to go by and I've found that the ones I've sat under live under a controlling double standard. They have said one thing to the people and went against what they told us we had to do. They were hard on the women when it came to standards, yet gave their own daughters a pass when they left the standards.
All I am saying is that many trinitarian people are looking to Jesus and not godhead doctrine. Many of them are sincere in their walk with God. Let them learn as they grow in the Spirit without condemning them to hell.