Re: Concealed Weapon Carrier stops mall shooting
Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
1) I am against any ban on semi-automatic weapons-- which would include assault rifles.
2) Laws with loop holes are bad laws that need to be fixed or repealed.
3) Encouraging more people to own guns legally will help to reduce the amount of people who die when someone decides to try to kill in mass. However, there's little a country can do to prevent crazies from doing crazy things without infringing on the rights of the non-crazies.
4) Supporting the increase of screening and security in schools sounds nice and good, but I see where this would become a freedom-stripping monstrosity.
Americans have become so fearful!
It's nauseating and maddening!
Many Americans don't value freedom any more.
Americans don't need to fear a dictator coming in and stripping Americans of their individuals rights and freedoms-- not when we're so eager to give them away for the sake of security.