Originally Posted by trialedbyfire
I'm sorry to remind you that you don't live in God's eternal Kingdom yet. Every nation in history has fallen, and there's generally patterns to look at when each nation or empire has fallen as to why they fell, and generally humans repeat those same mistakes regularly. Sorry I just don't have that much faith in man, and a desperately worry about the state this nation is in right now.
That's cool... my point is that it should be stated as an opinion. There is a lot of venom in the public discourse today. I think some folks are loosing their grip on reality and believing in the hyperbole.
I'm worried too. I think the answer is that we must return to loving our neighbor as ourselves. As Christians... we have to lead the way in this and be an example. Let's stop bashing everyone and ranting against those who disagree as though they are demons. Let's be peaceable and prayerful. Let's exhibit
Christ to this crazy world... not the
conservative movement.
So often any more... I hear believers talk and they sound more conservative than Christian. In fact... most have lost touch of how different the two really are.