Re: Two Questions for Bible Scholars
Originally Posted by renee819
I made a mistake on the above Post. This won’t be after Armageddon, but before.
Who will be here?
The Church will have gone in the First Resurrection.
The Israelites that saw the nail prints in Jesus hands, and recognized him, at the Resurrection, will be in the Wilderness.
Who is left?----Those worshiping the Beast.
Thru the One World Religion, the world will be completely turned over to Paganism. The Beast will completely destroy her, (Babylon) but many will keep their Pagan ways
With all due respect, this is a reading of the issue through the lenses of dispensationalism. Personally I find that concept of prophetic teaching to be lacking with many holes. I disagree strongly with dispensationalism, but I know what it is like to have only known that concept, for I was a dispensationalist at one time. Suffice it to say there are other concepts which consider all the scriptures that deal with the issue in what I consider a more biblically faithful manner.
"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."