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Old 11-07-2012, 02:56 PM
AreYouReady? AreYouReady? is offline
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Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns

Originally Posted by tv1a View Post
I never said the pastor should ignore the 80%. You pulled a quote off Wikipedia to accuse me of ignoring the other 80%.

Making up things then jumping to faulty conclusions on the fabrications shows how weak your argument is.
You brought that upon yourself by even comparing a so-called scientific study to the spiritual.

Instead of communicating your thoughts in the beginning about how to minister to people using that Pareto principle, you leave it wide open for speculation, then accuse me of deliberately coming to a faulty conclusion. How's that for sabotage on your part? Try explaining your thoughts accurately so that there is no misunderstanding. Try asking...are you misunderstanding what I am saying instead of accusing me of 'deliberately twisting' something you haven't made clear to begin with.

Are you a pastor?

Do you preach and take a tithe?

Do you espouse Oneness doctrine?

Do the people you disciple go out and take to themselves people to teach?

All these questions are relevant to how I answer. Perhaps I just assumed you to be all of the above?

For the record, this wasn't a wikipedia article. You have not read the article at all did you? And if you are going to use someone else's principle or a rule to explain something, don't you think the burden of how someone perceives your thought process should come from you? A little clip of info here or there, leaving out your true intentions of what you are thinking is not the way to communicate.

Originally Posted by tv1a View Post
People have the right to kill unborn babies, but that doesn't make it morally right. The Bible says gossip is murder.

How is voicing you opinion on AFF going to help your "close loved one" decide which OP church to attend? I doubt your close loved one visit this forum. If they do, they already know how warped OP can be. If your close loved one doesn't check out your comments on AFF it's a moot point. Then all you have to do is suggest other OP churches. If you don't plan to spill the beans to the close loved one, there is no need to continue to encourage the bloodshed with fellow believers.
If the person who started this thread had not done so, we wouldn't know the terrible conflict going on at TPC now, would we? We wouldn't know that the people are being run over roughshod by the leadership in that church by not discussing what happened with the members. Do you think that it is ok for that to happen? Are you suggesting that it is to be swept under the rug? There is no "bloodshed" going on with fellow believers here. From all that I read, the facts are coming out on what happened there. Since when does facts about a situation become gossip? Sometimes public opinion keeps a minister on the straight and narrow. And no...scripturally... correction does not come from the top down. The leadership turned that one around. Scripturally, the leadership is to let the least esteemed of the church to judge. In fact, when Acts is thoroughly read, you will find that the Apostles counted themselves among the brethren.

We all seen what happened to one sister in Georgia when she let the leadership handle her situation. She is the true victim in that case. TB is not a victim in this case. Eight hundred members of that church are the victims.

More harm to a local assembly comes when their 'leadership' is not forthcoming and truthful to them. More harm is coming to them because the 'leadership' has not been spiritually and financially truthful to them. That deception is ripping them to shreds more than this forum discussion is harming them.
It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. (Psalms 118:8)

Last edited by AreYouReady?; 11-07-2012 at 03:11 PM.
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