Originally Posted by Aquila
The point is... when God crafted a Government... HE chose a distributist model.
Well I do agree with your assesment of the economics of Israel. Tithes, offerings, giving to the poor was all a part of it. Yet for the most part it seems they were free to try to "get ahead" or to have private property.
Many of us think a little redistribution isnt a bad thing. God had a "safety net" for his people. Yet we see through Pauls teaching if one refused to work we should not enable him by feeding him.
Remember Jesus teachings were a bit radical to us. If one takes your shirt give him your coat. Give to those who ask (except those refusing work) asking nothing again. Give to the ministry, give to the poor.
Americas socialist system is collapsing because we are giving out money we dont have. It would seem the system can only go as far as there is money to pay for it.
Going in debt to give to others? How foolish. We cant solve all the problems EVERYONE has. The poor generally have more faith and hope in Jesus than the rich, they NEED him more. They long for a paradise of happiness and joy as Jesus has promised.
Blessed be the poor for yours is the kingdom of God.