Re: Pedophilia in Kansas Church
It is my opinion that if a man or a woman has a conviction by faith over something....anything...then by all means they should follow that conviction.
They should not, however, require that all in their presence follow their conviction by faith.
There were times that some of the sisters in the Lord made references to my clothing or trimmed hair, making me feel like I could not be a part of them because I did not share their convictions. The pastor does not have to preach standards but once a year, but the sisters will make sure you follow the leader. If you don't have a "conviction" over clothing or hair, then you haven't heard from the Holy Spirit on the matter. tic
I ended up having walah! the very same convictions just so I would feel a part of the fellowship.
I lost most of my teeth at an early age because of what I believe is lack of vitamins and minerals. I grew up in poverty, sometimes not having a decent meal in my belly for days on end. My teeth crumbled, broke off and fell out.
Imagine my surprise when I overheard two sisters laughing and making fun of the average woman. They were pretending to be wiping off makeup, taking off false eyelashes, fake nails, pulling off wigs and taking out false teeth saying all the while that they hate anything fake. eh?
It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. (Psalms 118:8)