Originally Posted by Pressing-On
Romney and Rove pull their ads, at the same time, from Michigan and Pennsylvania. Sounds like collusion to me. The FEC is sure to issue a report on this in a year or two.
They want us to think they believe our only reason for not voting for Mittens is because of his stance on the economy. We are not voting for Mittens because he lies, flip-flops, cheats to win, and a host of other things.
What is sad is that you are no better than the staunchest of leftists with your dishonesty.
The bottom line is simple as Romney has said many times. He supported Romneycare as a STATE issue because his state wnate dit. If YOU cannot tell the difference between something a state wants as opposed to forcing somethign upon an entire nation that doesn't want it then you need to go back to school.