Re: Hell....just how bad is it?
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
How can God be sitting on a throne in Heaven being worshipped by hundreds of millions of angels, ruling over the affairs taking place in all the galaxies, listening to the prayers of millions of people, showing love, mercy and wrath to everyone on Earth all at the same time? Science will tell us its not possible once a man is dead that he could ever live again. They would tell us its not possible that a carpenter from Nazarath who lived 2000 years ago could still be alive right now.
We walk by faith not by sight.
So you believe a literal body can be in a coffin and physically be in hell at same time, wow.
Today pull up the little weeds,
The sinful thoughts subdue,
Or they will take the reins themselves
And someday master you. --Anon.
The most deadly sins do not leap upon us, they creep up on us.