Originally Posted by bbyrd009
Ah, but see how you go from
"satan runs them all" to
"terrorists are responsible."
Do I think Bush was directly
responsible? Who knows, or cares?
Maybe not. That, imo, would be giving
him much more credit than he deserves;
but I can say with confidence that the whole
thing stinks to high heaven.
That you believe that your Gov wasting
3000 citizens is not possible I find ludicrous,
in the extreme, and I could have you bobbing
your head in agreement in about 1 post.
Prolly best if you go with "magic bullet."
Were the Nazis responsible for the Holocaust?
Did Jeffery Dahmer kill and eat his victims?
Did OJ kill Nicole and that young man?
Satan is behind all the evil, of course, but Al Qaeda and the cowards who flew those planes into the Towers are responsible. I don't know what you're talking about having mod my head in 1 post, oh Kemosabie, but its pretty simple to me. No credible source believes in the 9/11 conspiracies.