Re: US Embassies in Egypt, Libya Breached, BO Sile
Originally Posted by deacon blues
Where is the president today on the anniversary of 9/11? Our embassies are breached and we hear nothing from him! He turns down a request from the Israeli PM for a meeting. Bizarre behavior from a president seeking reelection. He needs the Jewish vote to win Florida. He doesn't seem to care too much aboutntheir support.
DB, I am wondering if you agree with what Romney is saying here.
I didn't refer to Islam at all, or to any other religion for that matter. I spoke about three major threats America faces on a long term basis. Jihadism is one of them, and that is not Islam. If you want my views on Islam, it's quite straightforward. Islam is one of the world's great religions and the great majority of people in Islam want peace for themselves and peace with their maker. They want to raise families and have a bright future.
There is, however, a movement in the world known as jihadism. They call themselves jihadists and I use the same term. And this jihadist movement is intent on causing the collapse of moderate Muslim states and the assassination of moderate Muslim leaders. It is also intent on causing collapse of other nations in the world. It's by no means a branch of Islam. It is instead an entirely different entity. In no way do I suggest it is a part of Islam.