Win souls or go to hell....
Been listening to alot of preaching lately....came across a sermon about soul winning and it made me really think.
The crux of the message was simply that we are called and saved to go win others to Christ, and basically if we fail we go to the hot place.
I have heard this at least three or four times over the years...if you don't preach, you don't go. Many sriptures are used, with the main one being were Paul exclaimed "Woe unto me if I preach not the Gospel", also the scripture that tells us to warn the unruly etc.
What are some of your thoughts on this? I have believed for a long time that we are to be salt and light as opportunity presents itself...but not to make our own platform to preach on. How many saints or ministers can lay claim that they have NEVER missed an opportunity to witness or win others to Christ.
Essentially, we have blood on our hands if we are not actively soul winning. What say ye??