Our 18 yr. old grandson, Landon Gore's article "Are You Afraid to Draw Your Sword?", is featured in the July 2012 of the Pentecostal Herald.
Landon Paul Gore graduated this
past May. having been homeschooled all of his life. He is working with his grandfather (Bro.Falla39), this summer in his computer sales and repair store. Landon plans on attending Texas Bible College in the fall.
Falla39 and husband will celebrate 53 yrs of marriage July 11th. They "trained up" six adult children, three sons and three daughters. The six children and their spouses have given Falla39 and husband 22 grandchildren (16 boys, 6 girls, and the eldest grandson and wife, have given them two Great-grandchildren).
The two eldest grandsons are licensed ministers. Two other grandsons have recognized the call of GOD on their lives. One of them graduated last year and attended Bible School that fall until May 2012. Landon graduated this May and plans to attend Bible College in the fall.
These grandsons early training and education didn't began when they graduated from high school. It began from a child. They were "trained up in the way they SHOULD go"!
Paul saw the value of young Timothy in the ministry because that "from a child thou has known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation, through faith which is in Christ Jesus". Paul knew his grandmother Lois and his mother, Eunice had done a good job in "training Timothy up!
I am what I am today because of a godly grandmother, godly parents, and most of all, THE GOD who is able to make one wise unto salvation, through faith which is in CHRIST JESUS! ALL scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitabe for doctrine (teaching). for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man/woman may be perfect (mature) throughly furnished unto all good works.