Originally Posted by Dagwood
"Now, you talkin' about a strange situation, the gentleman I'm bringing to you now, Dr. Jeffers, I'd never heard him preach. That's a scary thought, isn't it?"
Wow. As much respect as I have for Bro. Mangun, I'm rather shocked that even he would have someone with the amount of controversy behind him as stated just in this thread come and "preach" for his congregation, not to mention the fact that he's never heard him preach before.
I mean, that's what I heard him say. What more evidence is needed to be skeptical?
There are some, within the apostolic movement that are very much on Jeffers bandwagon. I saw leaders in the ALJC eat up everything the man said.... without question... and when I asked qualifying questions about the doctrines... was told I was causing division, because there were too many "signs and wonders" acommpanying his ministry for it to not be right. He was supposedly bringing FRESH BREAD and NEW REVELATION that we needed to hear.
I have no idea, but would almost bet that Mangun was "suggested" to have the guy at BOTT, keeping in mind that's a little different than giving him your pulpit for your congregation. And would almost bet he made sure that for those in the crowd who weren't on the Jeffers bandwagon, he provided the disclaimer that he had never heard the man preach.
I'm an evangelist... I know what that line means when a preacher says that when he's introducing me... it means... if he goes off the deep end, aint my fault.. he was just recommended to me, LOL.