Originally Posted by CC1
The history of judicial appointments alone is enough to prove there is a vast difference in the two political parties and the Presidents of each.
If either party was working for the constituents, why are we losing our freedoms with each passing legislation? Why are we going deeper and deeper in debt until our financiers decide when to call that debt in?
Explain to me why America is fading and not gaining?
Why are middle class jobs flying overseas?
Why are some unions being formed bypassing Congressional approval?
Why are treaties being formed with the United Nations that will eventually supersede our own Constitution?
It is easy for people who do no research beyond their own comfortable sources to call other people *nuts* and *theorists*.
Joan Veon, a devout Christian Journalist, reported on global documents she has actually read and global meetings she has actually attended. To call her a nut or a theorist is blatantly condescending to her memory and the hard work she has done during her life and all through her illness.