Originally Posted by canam
exactly which is why he dead ,zim personal safety was threatned ! case closed !
But we have at least one witness whose testimony shows that MARTIN was the one who felt threatened first-- and even tried to get out of harm's way.
When his human "fight or flight" reaction kicked in, his first response was NOT to fight, but to get away.
His behavior was mistaken for guilt and he was killed-- with a bag of Skittles in his pocket.
This is why I've always maintained that there is a distinct difference between racism and prejudice. zim isn't a racist in my book, but it was his prejudice that ultimately led to the unnecessary death of Martin, a 17 year old who went to the store to get his little brother a pack of candy.
There is NO WAY that this case should not have been further investigated from the begininng-- which is why there was outrage ALL OVER THE NATION, an outrage not started or manipulated by Sharpton or Jackson, but an outrage based on the collective gut feeling of thousands of Americans that justice was not served in the Sanford Police's initial decision to not detain zim and investigate this murder.