I hereby petition the powers that be to consider changing the name of this forum by removing "apostolic," or adding "ex" or "X" as a prefix to "apostolic."
Let's face it. Many, if not most of us were introduced to the Pharisee/Legalistic brand of the Apostolic church. Many, if not most of us have been freed from a form of the bewitching that the Apostle Paul wrote against in Galatians.
Seeing as how we are the constituents that have been called out from among them, I see no purpose to continue to use the title of "apostolic." We left them. They did not leave us.
For some of you it will be hard to let go. The word "apostolic" makes you nostalgic. You become reminiscent of many precious memories. Memories of camp meeting. Brush arbor days, etc.
It is time to stop living in the past. We need to rise up and embrace the bright future ahead of us.
The legalistic church is not going to be the conduit that brings the next wave of revival. It is you and I, us, we are the conduits. The time is here...