Why "The Real 2012 Delegate Count""? The answer should be obvious. The mainstream media is simply not accurately covering the race for delegates in the Republican contest for President. In fact, if you watch network news you would believe that the Republican contest is over. It is not.
Texas primary excitement nothing to do with Romney
A Texas political analyst and former leader for the GOP isn't excited Texas is poised to put Mitt Romney over the top in securing the Republican presidential nomination.
"I really am tired of the lesser of two evils," he admits. "This is a terrible administration [we have now], but I sure would have preferred to see an authentic conservative be the nominee. Quite frankly, I think we're looking at 2016."
Voted for Newt and Ted Cruz today in the Texas Primary, stopped by Starbucks and picked up an Iced Coffee on the way home.
I learned that in Texas you are not required to register to an affiliated party. They just mark your card to make sure you don't vote twice.