Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
However look at it this way. There are exactly ZERO places in Acts where someone received the Holy Ghost and did not speak in tongues. Or where it is stated they received and manifested some other gift. So if we want to learn anything about the Holy Spirit baptism that seems to be it.
i disagree we have many conversions with no mention of tongues. we also have a verse that stated that some spoke with tounges and some prophesied. lets just look to the teaching of Paul on the subject since luke was a disciple of Paul,
Paul describes them as Gift of the Spirit, that means it is something that is obtainable from the Spirit.
Mark 16:16 says that is (A) sign. (not the only sign)
I also want to point out that even before the disciples was filled with the Spirit their names was already written in the book of Life according to Jesus.
They where told to wait for the power in jerusalem. They was not told wait for salvation in Jeruslaem