Gay Marriage Thorny Issue for Obama
Yesterday North Carolina strongly approved a state constitutional amendment affirming marriage recognized by the state as one man and one woman. In so doing the effort to promote gay marriage as a legally recognized union in North Carolina has been given a death blow. In fact in every state that gay marriages have been recognized as legal, the legality only came I to effect by activist judges overturning majorities of voters affirming traditional marriage or banning gay marriage.
This is a thorny issue for our president who is on record as saying he is opposed to gay marriage and in favor of traditional marriage. Recently he has stated he is "evolving" on the issue. Evidently the president is trying to give the liberal community in favor of gay marriage a ray of hope that after November he might be willing to evolve completely and morph into a whole different president on the issue once he has nothing to lose. Now why would the president, an unabashed liberal, try to tip toe on such a popular issue with his liberal supporters and donors? Hollywood is a big money source for Obama and also one of the biggest proponents of the gay agenda. Northeast liberals are also big supporters of the gay agenda and are big donors as well. And of course, the gay community os overwhelmingly supportive of the president. They are also big donors to his campaign. So what's the reluctance? Well another big constituency of the President is the African-American community and polls show that they are adamantly against gay marriage and the gay agenda as a voting bloc.
So it's a thorny issue for the White House. They send VP Biden out to lend support to the issue. But when Jay Carney, WH Press Secy, is pressed on the issue, he obfuscates.
Then there's the whole issue of the DNC hosting their convention this summer in North Carolina. It's a thorny issue. And North Carolina's solid support for traditional marriage in a state that the Democrats were hoping to win in November is another ominous sign for the president's reelection campaign come November...
When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.