Re: Reality Check on Bound and Unbound Delegates
The RNC had no problem when Florida and Arizona violated party rules by holding winner-take-all primaries prior to the date the rules said such contests could happen.
The RNC didn't step in when the Iowa Republican party screwed up the counting of votes and lost the results from several precincts.
The RNC sat idly by while the Maine Republican leadership declared Romney the winner despite the fact that many votes hadn't yet been counted.
The RNC didn't care when the state of Michigan changed their rules at the last minute to hand all the at-large delegates to Romney instead of splitting them with Santorum.
The RNC had nothing to say when hundreds of people were illegally turned away from party caucus sites in Washington State,
The RNC didn't care when police had to be called to caucuses in Missouri, where local party leaders gamed the system to benefit their chosen candidates.
The RNC had no problem when Nevada Republicans attempted to hold a special caucus only for religiously-observant people and then took two full days to count the results.
Time after time throughout this campaign, the RNC has been willing to ignore their own rules and blatant attempts to manipulate the delegate selection process. But now they say they will not seat Nevada if too many Paul supporters end up getting elected as delegates by following the rules and showing up and voting?