Originally Posted by deacon blues
So you'll not vote for Romney and help assure an Obama reelection. Perfect. Your logic is baffling. If the Bible prophesies it, you think you're going to prevent it? I have issues with Romney, bit I have a library full of issues with Obama! You're not going to get Jesus Christ on the ballot so you better resign yourself to voting to prevent a much more grave scenario than a Romney Presidency: an Obama second term.
Deacon, There are other candidates in the race, there are more states that haven't voted. I would appreciate getting my American right to vote for my candidate before the media and everyone "favoring" their candidate tells us to drop out. We don't have to.
And I would much more prefer to go for a Brokered Convention. Mainly, because even though Romney is the front runner, he has only received 42% of the votes. That means that 60% have voted against him. Romney's NRA speech, yesterday, sounded like Clinton and the audience applauded at points they agreed on, but they weren't received all that well. Most gun owners don't trust him.
Let the process work and please don't try to manipulate the system.
I never said I wouldn't vote for Romney. I said that I won't support him with my money or my time. When he gets his full delegate count, the race will be over. Until then, let's allow the system to work.
As Santorum has stated, the media made it difficult for him to raise money calling the race for Romney. Too bad the American people rely on the media to think for them.
Hillary and Obama fought it out until June of '08. If Romney is such a great candidate, you shouldn't have to worry about him losing. And if he loses, it might be a good time for the Republican Party to finally admit they are not a Conservative Party and restructure, if they can.