Re: Anger + Sadness = RAGE
All, more news out today that a neighbor of Zim's saw him with bandages on his nose and the back of his head the day after.
This proves nothing, except that part of the story he is telling is true.
Everyone needs to chill and let the entire thing be settled, legally.
I say that, but I do not believe it will happen.
We do outreach every week in "the projects" and the level of rage over this incident is very high.
It is high enough to make me nervous and I have never felt that way in all of my life.
I have spent all of my life in a totally mixed, racial environment.
Or as the minority in the environment.
Which is what happens when you grow up playing a lot of ball...
If there is not a conviction of Zim, there will be retaliation, in my opinion.
As mentioned earlier in this thread, I believe this incident should have all of us on our knees in prayer.
We as the people of God should realize that this is not the time to take sides, but time to realize that we wrestle not against flesh and blood.
I realize that you could say this about a lot of situations in this world, but I really do not know how anyone can pronounce Zim guilty or innocent.
There is too much noise and confusion around the entire incident.
And too many conflicting stories.