Support of something you oppose...
Recently I have become friends with a gay man at work. He has become one of my best friends ever. He is in a committed relationship and about 15 years older than I am. He has NO interest in me in the relational sense. Growing up I wouldn't have ever dreamed of being friends with a gay man, not because of any homophobia, but we'd run in different circles. This man, Joe, has nothing but straight friends. In fact his partner is the same way.
I am dine with is being friends and my wife is cool with it too. What would you more seasoned individuals do? I'm not even worried about any attraction on his part because we are not like that. Is it common that as life goes on that people change like this, like I have where on e I wound have ever been his friend and now we are great friends? What do you all think?
"If we don't learn to live together we're gonna die alone"
Jack Shephard.