Originally Posted by J4Truth
It may not be the official theme of this particular thread but are we not talking about how those that hold to the "standards" mistreat and abuse others because they don't hold to the same? And unless you feel that the attitude that they have is justified and could, and should be used against someone that is lacking in any other area? Essentially I'm asking are you saying that how they treat others that don't hold to the same standards is acceptable attitude to have as a christian and the only thing wrong with there behavior is that they have such an attitude over standards?
I'm not sure I understand your question, but let me try and answer, and let me know if I didn't answer it satisfactorily......
There are two things that become wrong when we're dealing with the attitudes of those on both sides of the standards fence.
The attitude of those who DO hold to a standard and criticize and condemn those who don't hold that standard and identify them as backsliders, heretics, reprobates, et al - 100% wrong.
The attitude of those who do NOT hold a standard, and criticize those who do hold the standard, and classify them as hypocrites, self-righteous Pharisees, held in bondage, etc - 100% wrong.
If you feel in your heart that God is directing you to follow certain standards, then do it! But, don't criticize those who don't.......if you feel that you are free from those things, then enjoy your freedom! But, don't criticize those who still maintain those things......
This thread was about someone leaving the UPC. Yes, a portion of the thread turned into the way they and others have been treated by those who stayed, and the behavior mentioned is wrong, in my opinion. If the thread was about the other side of the coin, my premise would be the same.