Accuser of the brethren
Ok....I guess 'Deep Waters' is an appropriate/almost 'poetic' place to post this. What I risk here, is to speak about 'accusing the brethren'....without myself being 'the accuser'. So I will keep it brief.
I pray to God that my 'religion' is never based on/'preoccupied with' condemnation of how others believe. I am not saying that all faiths come to the Lord in Spirit and Truth. What I am saying is, I need to make sure 'I' am coming to Him in Spirit and truth....and be a light a beacon of that is not my job, (Thank God) to go around condemning everyone.
We have all seen political candidates whose platform seems based only on throwing dirt at the other politicans. I personally will not vote for such a man. I do not want to focus on what is 'bad' about the 'other guy'....I want to hear what is 'good' about the 'good guy'.