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Old 05-15-2007, 12:50 PM
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Margies3 Margies3 is offline
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Walt's party

When I signed up on FCF several years ago, I had no idea the wonderful friends I would make. I really just looked at it as a way to keep connected with my Apostolic roots.

But, I want to tell you - you all are the best!! We received so many cards from so many of you for this weekend, I am floored! I didn't even know that many people knew a way to contact me. Thank you to every one of you who took the time to find out a full name and an address and then to send such nice cards. I am seriously floored. You've had me in tears more times than you'll ever know - tears of joy at being part of such a wonderful group.

So Renda said (on the 70's thread) that I should tell you about the party......

It went great!!!! We had over 100 people come. My original plan was to make veggie trays, cheese dip and doritos, and cake. But as soon as I mentioned this at church, our ladies jumped right on it. They made all kinds of veggies and dips, fruit kabobs, fruit salad and cupcakes to go with the full sheetcake I bought. And they took over and cooked the cheese dips for me (one with meat, one plain). And so I made some BBQ meatballs and that was it. Then we just had pops, waters and coffee.

I showed the video that I had made of Walt when he was in Heartland. We just set it up to loop continuously. It has the two tv interviews that we did on it. One at the beginning and one at the end. And it has alot of pictures of Walt in his recovery process. It's about 15-20 minutes long. I wish there was a way to post it on here. If anybody knows how, let me know. I'll send you a DVD and you can work with it if you want. I'm not that good tho, so I can make the DVD (I do a good job of that), but I don't have any idea how to post it.

Walt was seriously moved by the number of people who came to the party. When it was all over, we stood out in the front of the Epic Center and were talking. I said to him that most of the people who came to the party had also been at the hospital on the day of the aneurism. It was all he could do to keep from sobbing because he was so touched by that.

Our family and 3 other couples had set things up the night before. And then on Sunday our youth group took over. They kept veggies trays filled, kept coffee made, cut the cake, etc. And then they cleaned up afterwards. We didn't have to lift a finger.

I went with yellow and white for decorations and then put flowers on each table that I could bring home and plant in my yard when it was finished. That worked very nice.

And then at the end, Walt and I came home and opened cards, including all the ones from you wonderful people here on AFF. He was very impressed and moved to know that you folks not only prayed for him when he was in the middle of the crisis, but that you care enough to take the time to send a card even now, a year later. I wish that I could reach out and hug every one of you right now. I love you!!!
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of a battle ! ! ! !
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