Visited a non UPC church
We visited our first non UPC church yesterday. It's a Sabbath keeping church with service at 4 pm on Saturday, that was kinda nice. It was really far and we had to fight traffic and got there 30 mins late. The music was still going and I think it was the Lord that we got behind a wreck because I would have had a headache for days if we'd been there for all the music which was a little driving for my taste. Getting used to seeing women in pants in church was weird. Nobody really had short hair but it was scissor cut. It turned out to actually be a youth service, hence the awful music lol. We stayed anyway and it really blessed us. Even my husband who is much more dyed in the wool Apostolic then me said he enjoyed the service. They were very sincere, the bible was the main focus of preaching that while lively was not nutso... No slobbering, sweating, screaming or panting. Before the alter service those seeking prayer asked for it in the simplest terms i.e. 'for my job situation, for my marriage, for a sin I am struggling with, etc.' One kid said 'I'd like to know Jesus'. Then they came down front to be prayed with. Everyone was able to come pray with those needing prayer but no one was mobbed, shaken or had their ear screamed in. During the altar call at the end of service they took the volume of the music down to almost inaudible so that people could pray and actually hear each other, I liked that part a lot. Although the holy spirit was talked about and tongues are accepted as a gift (per their doctrinal statement) there was not a huge focus on getting those praying to speak in tongues.
The people were very friendly after service and we got to visit some before leaving to come home. There is another church of the same denomination nearer to us but we did not want to go somewhere close to home at first because we don't want to fill out visitor cards or have someone want to follow up or any of that yet, we're just not ready. But we do feel a little better about it now and may visit the closer church next week. Please be in prayer for us. Thanks.