Originally Posted by Truthseeker
From my experience my answer would be "Or are all of you simply acquainted because you gather in the same building two to three times a week"
That's the greatest problem I've had in the UPC churches I've attended. There are no house churches or "open" home fellowship groups. No format for body ministry, confession of sin, prayer, sharing, or providing for one another's needs. Essentially we all met in the same building two to three times a week to listen to a sermon and pay our dues to ensure that the pastor didn't loose the building or his salary.
Frankly, the vast majority of what I've learned about the Lord came from my own personal devotions and study. The sermons were not expository either. Most were on something like, "The Four Steps to Victory" at best. Most of the time it was a rant against gays, television, and not meeting the standards. When I began attending a Southern Baptist church that was a network of house churches the teaching was VERY expository. In the larger gatherings on the weekends we are covering every verse of the Gospel of John. I've attended two house churches. One is covering every verse in Hebrews and the other the book of Acts. Frankly, I've never experienced learning this much in church. Those who present the studies are well versed in the language, culture, customs, timing of events, etc. It's WONDERFUL. I do miss "Holy Ghost" filled worship sometimes. But again, the center of my spiritual life and worship is my home. The church doesn't "identify" me. Christ and my experience in Him does. So I still fellowship and talk to members from the UPCI church I used to attend. Most count me "backslidden" but that's because they don't believe one can have a personal relationship with God.